A Neutral Fall Home

Hi everyone! Thank you for popping by my blog. I don't know about you but boy this summer flew, like where did it go? So that brings us to.... fall. Has anyone else enjoyed a pumpkin spice latte yet? Funny that I actually did so on September 1st - I wasted no time. Ha! I have just fallen in love with the neutral fall palette. Last year I did it for the first time, you can view my maiden dive into neutral fall in my blog archives. I really had to get my act together this year because I just put together a vintage fall window display in Historic Bethlehem. I used many of my own things for the window, but wanted to decorate my own home first to know what I had left - so aoila - presto - shazam - fall has arrived at my home! For those of us crazy seasonal decorators, we can appreciate an early fall decor arrival because that means longer enjoyment of the fruit of our labors.
These pumpkins have been collected over the years, some from special boutique stores, others from the Target 1.00 Spot (which has somehow become the Target $3 spot), and some are 10 years old and have been repainted. One of my besties gave me the galvanized Magnolia Home for my birthday. I knew it had to take center stage in my fall vignette. Inside it is a pumpkin with holes? Wha? If you have read past blogs, you know the whole story... the one where I went to a church bazaar and they were selling this orange pumpkin lollipop tree for $2! Can I just tell you that it makes the most adorable lit pumpkin! I have a picture of it lit up below. Added to the star lollipop tree and pumpkins, I added lots of lambs ear and blue/green hydrangea. I am just loving blue green hues for greenery - it is totally trending right now.
Above the vignette is the also very popular tobacco basket with cotton wreath. I purchased the home banner at Target. The banner came with a bunch of wooden leaves that I removed. I love how it speaks to the obvious our home, but it also speaks to the cute galvanized home below in front of it!
Here are some other shots of the vignette. You will see my milk glass collection which continues to grow from random picking trips. I like it because it is soft and isn't too busy for the shelves. They got their own little fall sprinkle of cute mini pumpkins.

Shall we continue on? Lets move to the Pahlah or Parlor. It was a total common thing that Victorian homes had a living room and parlor. The parlor is a dark room in my home which is why you never get to really see it :(. I am showing you a corner, that is all I have to give! Lol! Don't judge friends, this lighting is the best I can do for a rainy day pic in a dark room!

This room has two large - like 5 feet - old window frames that I purchased at Lucketts last year. They were in my Allentown window and came home to me! YAY! For fall, I have these bushel tops on the windows. I have added the mini cotton wreath embellished with the galvanized word (from Dollar Store - shhhh - our little secret), raffia, greens and grey checked bow.

Alright, lets come out of the dark parlor and into the Dining Room. It is dark as well, but somehow I can manipulate the lighting better in there. :D

You will find that I keep tweaking. This was the arrangement day 1, then I added raffia and wheat later!

Well friends, that is about it for the tour per se. I do have a few other pics of arrangements I put together for fall and other miscellaneous pics!

As I mentioned, I did a retail window in Historic Bethlehem a couple days ago for the Visitor Center. The theme for the window? Vintage neutral fall - of course. We even have signage which you can sort of read below stating that the Marche Maison Vintage Market is coming THIS Saturday, September 15th 10:00am - 5:00pm. The "Reveal" event is this Saturday which means all 4 vendors - which are also my friends - will be there. The Vintage Market will continue to be open full time the same hours as the Visitors Center. We will close the doors early November and have a Christmas "Reveal" mid November that you will not want to miss. Check the Events tab here on my website for event details. I took some pictures, but taking pictures of a window presents all sorts of glare issues! You will see what I mean below. Here are a few....

I JUST picked up that old Apples sign. It was hunter green, but I love it painted now in white! Well, friends. Thank you for reading my blog. I am passionate about seasonal decor and I totally understand that some people are like "you, what?!" Thank you for following along as I share my love for seasonal decor and creating beautiful environments. It is time for a pumpkin latte friends, go treat yourself! I always love to hear from my readers, tell me do you decorate for each season? Are you colorful or neutral in your fall decor? comment below!